When we talk about access control, most folks assume that means a high-tech, electronically based security system. However, that’s not always what access control entails. An access control system can be anything that helps provide and restrict customers’ and employees’ access to your business. So, for a business in a smaller space, an access control system may be as simple as having good quality locks with a master key system. For most businesses in our digitally-powered age, though, access control systems do involve some element of electronic security in order to provide better comprehensive security measures. No matter what your security concerns, an access control security system is a great way to get customized protection for your space and assets. Want to know more? Here are five major benefits to an access control security system:
It Secures Your Business
We’ve already touched on this, but the most important element for any business is the ability to secure your employees, space, and assets. A good access control security system helps to provide the right combination of commercial doors, locks (traditional and electronic), and keys or electronic access options to make sure your building is locked up securely after business hours. More than that, a personalized access control system helps to block off specific rooms, protect more sensitive assets, and generally structure the flow of your building both during working hours and after. Basically, when an access control system is set up appropriately, it provides you with better security made for your business.
It Controls Access
We already touched on this briefly, but the whole point of an access control system is to, well, control access. Makes sense, right? For most businesses, you want to make sure everything is secured as well as possible, but you don’t want to set things up in such a way that your customers can’t get in to conduct business! When done well, an access control system provides security, but it also provides access in appropriate ways. That can mean anything from doors with PIN-controlled electronic locks to automatic doors that welcome people in (but can still be secured after hours). The idea behind an access control system is to make it easy for business owners and managers to limit access as necessary and easily control who does and does not have access. It’s a way to secure your business but still invite customers in.
It Helps Save Energy
With so many doors and locks controlled by electronic/keyless locks, you probably aren’t thinking about energy savings. But access control systems can actually help your business cut down on energy and operational costs! In many cases, access control systems can be integrated with the HVAC system, lights, and so on. That way, if the locks tell the system that a room is not in use, it can ensure the lights stay off. Similarly, the system can tell your HVAC system to go into standby mode and heat or cool rooms less when no one is using them.
It Helps Simplify Employee Turnover
Employees come and go; that’s simply the nature of running any business. Even if you see little to no turnover, losing employees can pose a security risk. Former employees are people who know at least the basics of your business’s security. In many cases, they may have had access to keys, a PIN, or other ways to access spaces that the average person isn’t allowed to access — even if it’s something as simple as a back office with the business’s safe. Any time someone leaves your employ, you’ll need to take steps to revoke their access. That might mean rekeying locks, updating PINs, and adjusting keyless entry locks so the individual’s keycard no longer works. Most access control systems make it easier to deal with employee turnover because the digital information can be removed or updated with a few keystrokes rather than rekeying every lock.
It Helps Track History of Entry/Exit
Digital access control systems in particular are a great way to keep a record of the daily comings and goings at your business. Every time a keycard is scanned or a PIN is entered, the system records the time, date, and who that information is associated with. If there is ever a question of who accessed a specific door, those records can make it a lot easier to track individuals so you can deal with instances of burglary or vandalism.
Want to learn more about protecting your business through access control security? Connect with your local Milwaukee locksmith team at Urich Lock to learn more and schedule your consultation!