One of the most important automations you can set up is a fully (or partially) automated security system — including keyless entry access commercial door locks. Here’s why:
Keyless Entry Commercial Door Locks
Have you ever locked your keys in the house on your way to work? It’s a nuisance when that happens, but a quick call to your local locksmith can get you on the go again soon enough. Now, imagine that scenario amplified to an even greater magnitude — because that’s essentially what happens when you have multiple employees who are responsible for opening your business and locking up at the end of the day. It’s easier for forgetfulness and miscommunication to compromise security, leaving your space and assets unprotected.
Keyless entry commercial door locks are designed to help provide better protection for your business — in large part because they account for those little forgetful moments that could compromise your security. They do so by eliminating the need for keys; keyless entry commercial door locks include options like the card reader lock, keypad lock, biometric reader, and so on. All of these locks use a key alternative — in many cases, not even a physical object, but rather something that can be remembered or is already part of your employees, like fingerprints — to control the lock’s functions. It’s a great way to eliminate the need for physical keys, since those can be harder to keep track of.
Making Operations Easier
Since keyless entry locks nix the need for keys, you don’t have to worry about lockout situations because an employee lost their key or locked it inside. Instead, employees simply enter a PIN or swipe a badge to gain entry. You don’t need to worry about having keyholder employees when everyone gets their own access code/card. This also makes it easier to secure your business when someone leaves your employ. With keyless entry locks, you don’t have to worry about collecting keys, or worrying whether duplicates were made; instead, just update the system to make their access code/cade null. That way, even if you don’t get the access card back, it still won’t give them access in the future.
Effortless Security Measures
One of the single best features that comes from keyless entry commercial door locks is that almost all options are designed to lock automatically. This is great news because it means forgetfulness doesn’t matter nearly as much. Most options will re-lock automatically as soon as the latch clicks closed, and some may offer a time delay of 30 seconds or a few minutes. There are also keyless entry locks that can be set to only function during certain hours, so even if an employee enters the correct PIN, they won’t be able to gain entry after hours. It’s a great way to ensure you never have to worry about your staff remembering to lock up at the end of the day. Better still, many newer keyless entry locks can connect via WiFi and the system accessed online, which gives you the flexibility to set up notifications in certain circumstances — like a door remaining unlocked after hours — and also gives you the ability to control the locks from afar.
The other big security measure that you get with keyless entry commercial door locks is the ability to track use and set up zones within your space. With most keyless entry systems, each user gets an individualized code/card. That way, you can see when employees are accessing the building or specific spaces. This also means you can set it up so that only authorized staff can access certain higher-security spaces within your building. For instance, everyone’s code could open the conference rooms, but only certain employees would be granted access to the IT hub of your business. When an employee’s role changes, it’s simple to go into the system and update their credentials — which means no more cutting new keys or replacing locks each time an employee changes roles.
Custom Security Measures for Your Business
Here at Urich Lock, we specialize in a wide range of different ways to better protect your business and make it easier to control your security on your terms. Want to learn more? Connect with our Milwaukee locksmith team today to schedule a consultation!