As technology advances, more devices, including locks, are becoming keyless. This trend has been embraced by many, but there are still plenty of people who prefer old-fashioned traditional locks. Urich Lock provides customers with excellent services tailored to their needs and wants for their home security. Our residential locksmiths are experienced in the industry to help with any of your locksmith services, including door lock installations. Keep reading to see the pros and cons of each lock system.

Pros Of Keyless Locks
The biggest advantage of keyless locks is increased security. With no physical key to lose or duplicate, there is less chance of someone unauthorized gaining access to your property. Furthermore, keyless locks offer a greater range of features, such as remote access, which can be very useful for those who have regular visitors or need to allow access to an area without being present.

Cons Of Keyless Locks
The major downside to keyless locks is the cost. They are usually more expensive than traditional locks, and with the added features, the cost can be even higher. These locks require a power source, such as batteries, to operate, so they need to be replaced or recharged regularly. Additionally, if the power or battery fails, the lock can be rendered useless until it is fixed or replaced.

Pros Of Traditional Locks
Traditional locks do not require batteries and are generally less expensive than keyless locks. This makes them a great option for those on a budget. Traditional locks are durable and reliable, so you have a slim chance of being locked out of your home. Additionally, traditional locks are easy to install and maintain, making them a viable option for those who don’t desire to install a keyless lock.

Cons Of Traditional Locks
The main disadvantage of traditional locks is that they require a physical key, which can be lost or stolen, leaving the lock vulnerable to unauthorized access. Many traditional locks can be picked or forced open with minimal effort. They also do not offer any features such as motion detection, access control, or remote monitoring, so they are not as secure as more modern electronic systems.
Keyless locks and traditional locks both have their advantages and disadvantages. It is important to look into both options to decide which system will suit your security needs and budget. Urich Lock offers both types of locks, so it is up to the user to decide which type best meets their needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more insight into our systems. You can trust us to help you pick the best system for you and your family. Contact us today to get a door lock installation!